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Invited by Tina, Claude Duthuit was here with the team he dived with 50 years ago for the last time this summer.
He was a friend, an admirer of Turks and actually one of us.
He made serious contributions to underwater archaeology in Turkey.
He offered INA limitless financial opportunities.
A couple of years ago, Duthuit came to Çeşme for research with Hayat Erkanal and George Bass.
Last year we gave TINA members the DVD of the coloured film of Bodrum that he shot in the 1960s.
We, his friends, the world of underwater will always remember him.
Our condolences to his family.

Dr. Oğuz Aydemir

Bodrum Haber’de Claude Duthuit hakkında Çıkan Haber için tıklayın.

Dear Oğuz,

After my stroke, I canceled all speaking engagements and trips, even an all-expense-paid trip back to China for Ann and me, but I was determined to go to New York and walk across the stage to accept this special

 award, which I did, even though Ann had to help me up and down the few steps at either end of the stage. Your kind words are much appreciated.

Ann and I visited Claude and Barbara the night before the gala, but when we were going to it he was going to the hospital, for nine hours of surgery next day. It took so long because during the robotic removal of his bladder they noticed a tear in his gall bladder and had to bring in a gall-bladder specialist to remove it too. We’ve talked to him briefly in Intensive Care via Barbara’s cell phone, and although he sounded fine, I know that he has many months of recovery ahead of him.  

The cancer seemed to have been contained in his bladder. I write all this since I am aware that some of the people reading this know the Duthuits.

 So as part of the re-excavation at Cape Gelidonya last summer, it was lucky that Claude and I dived to the site again together after 50 years, for neither of us could do that now! Without the support of TINA, the re-excavation would not have been possible. I will write separately to you about my report of our results.

 My best regards to all of  you. I hope to recover sufficiently to return again to my Bodrum house, for Turkey has been my second home for so long.

 Prof. Dr. George Bass