Page 5 - TINA Dergi Sayi 09
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                                                                         Maritime Archaeology Periodical

                   t I n A  m A r I t I me  A r CHA e OLOGY P er IODICAL

                   PerıoDıcal PublıcatıoN of the turkısh
                   uNDerWater archaeoloGY fouNDatıoN

                   tıNa maritime archaeology Periodical is published bi-annually during the months of June
                   and December. the papers to be published should be sent 2 months before the publication
                   date. the coverage of tıNa maritime archaeology Periodical includes primarily the anatolian
                   shores, the mediterranean sea, and the work performed in the field of maritime archaeology
                   from every corner of the world.

                   SAHİbİ: TINA Türkiye Sualtı Arkeolojisi Vakfı

                   İmtİYAZ SAHİbİ: Hüsnü Oğuz Aydemir

                   SOrumLu YAZI İŞLerİ mÜDÜrÜ: Mehmet Bezdan

                   No section or part of the magazine can be reproduced without any consent of tıNa maritime
                   archaeology Periodical. references should be cited. legal responsibility of papers belong to
                   the authors.

                   Papers sent to tıNa maritime archaeology Periodical shall be published only if they comply
                   with the format specified on the last page of this issue.

                   e-mail address to submit the papers to be published in the coming issues of tıNa maritime
                   archaeology Periodical:

                   ISSn: 2149 - 0392

                   PrInteD At: promat Basım Yayın AŞ
                   Orhangazi Mah. 1673 Sok. No: 34 Esenyurt, İstanbul.
                   Tel: +90 212 622 63 63.


                                          ADreSS: Türkiye Sualtı Arkeolojisi Vakfı
                                          Koç Üniversitesi, Anadolu Medeniyetleri
                                          Araştırma Merkezi, İstiklal Caddesi No:181
                                          34430 Beyoğlu / İstanbul
                                          PHOnE:   +90 212 393 61 30
                                          FAX:    +90 212 393 61 40
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